SASSA Self Exclusionary Response Found
Back in 2022 3rd June SASSA took mass actions to a specific type of ongoing beneficiaries and new applicants which resulted in a self-exclusionary response found at the end of applicants.
A huge number of SASSA applicants wanted to know the reason behind this, which finally released in SASSA official resources that people who are specifically financially stable or receiving some sort of other benefits are being rejected to receive SASSA grants.
SASSA specifically and officially took this action highlighting only the financial statuses of the interested and continued beneficiaries. This official action by SASSA has evicted a large number of ongoing beneficiaries from the grant benefits.
After this, two groups of people rise, whether they are temporarily banned or permanently from getting SASSA finances because in this mass crack SASSA has also banned so many deserving people.
South Africans who severely foolproofed SASSA in receiving benefits were actually permanently banned from this scheme, and people who were banned due to confusion or legit mistakes in their SASSA grant application were sorted.
People who are authentic in their requirements legitimately provided everything right to SASSA were called at SASSA offices for questionnaires. Those who correctly answered these questionnaires were get their approval restored.
In contrast to applicants who appeared legit in their terms, people who were suspected of fooling the agency were permanently banned from getting any grant or benefit from SASSA in the future.
How to Solve Self-Exclusionary Response Found
The situation has arisen, and now the question is how continued beneficiaries or new applicants can solve self exclusionary response found problem at their end.
It is clear that people who are new applicants, they don’t need to worry about this: just take care of authenticity in providing true and legit requirements to SASSA and never try to fool the agency by any means.
People who are continued beneficiaries and got this message, can make SASSA appeal and the SASSA will officially call you to appear in a real-time questionnaire at their office, if you successfully provide all the details correctly, there is no way SASSA will approve you again for the grant.
Type of Questions Reported SASSA Will Ask
To check your authenticity, SASSA can ask any question accordingly, but people who’ve experienced going at SASSA office reported common questions that SASSA personnel will ask from you.
Though all questions can be specific and according to your details, so it’s not promised that SASSA will ask particularly these. If you’re right at your place then don’t hide anything from the agency and you will get to go in the right direction for sure.
- Q1: Are you receiving any type of financial or other benefit that helps you in the way from any other organization or agency in South Africa?
- Q2: Do you have enough assets to support you throughout the year?
- Q3: Do you’ve a healthy means of income or established business?
- Q4: Do you have a first relation family member who’s financially strong?
- Q5: Why did you apply specifically for the SASSA grant?
- Q6: Where do you spend your SASSA money throughout the month?
- Q7: What’s your educational qualification and are you currently employed?
- Q8: You have mentioned ABC in your application, please provide the document or proof?
Above all, try to be very transparent in representing your details or requirements to the SASSA team, and be very confident in answering all the questions.
For More Information:
Call: 0800601011
Email:Â [email protected]