SASSA Payments for October 2025

The SASSA payment dates for October are smooth in terms of receiving grant money as there is no big event in the country according to the calendar.

We’ve discussed all the payment dates for all grants that SASSA offers to South African beneficiaries that will help you receive your payments timely from your payment points or ATMs.

Please note that SASSA sets different pay dates for almost all grants, but also note that some grants may have the same pay dates. Typically those grants for which there are few beneficiaries in the country have the same dates.

SASSA Pay Days for October 2025

The official SASSA payment dates for October are here, you’re advised to visit your local ATM or payment points you’ve chosen to receive your monthly payments.

Old Age Grant2 October 2025
Disability Grant3 October 2025
Other SASSA Grants4 October 2025
sassa payment for October

>> Also know November dates.

If you want to receive your SASSA payment more smoothly, you’re advised to visit the ATMs a day after the official disbursement of payment from SASSA, in this way, you’ll be avoiding high crowds of people at banks and ATMs and traffic on roads.

october weekend payments will be processed on upcoming workdays

SASSA Payment Amounts

SASSA hasn’t designed any policy according to which you can increase or change the grant amount, so keep in mind once your grant is approved your payment amount won’t be changed.

Child Support GrantR480
Care Dependency GrantR1990
Foster Child GrantR1070
War Veterans GrantR2010
Old Age GrantR1990
Disability GrantR1990

As SASSA gives a different payment amount for each grant, you must be aware of choosing and applying for the grant after carefully reading the requirements and eligibility of that specific grant.

SASSA reserves the right to change the payment date of any grant and payment amount of any grant, normally SASSA increases or decreases the grant amount according to the current inflation rate in the country.

Payment withdrawal Precautions

  1. Once you’re informed about the official pay date, schedule your ATM visit in advance (at least one week before).
  2. Avoid visiting ATM machines late at night, and at the same time avoid peak hours to save yourself from people CHAOS at ATMs.
  3. Check your card validity one or two weeks before going to the ATM, and renew if it expires.
  4. It’s advisable to take your close friend or any family member as a withdrawal companion with you to the ATM.
  5. In case you experience any technical issue related to your card or ATM, try to report it to only bank staff and avoid asking any stranger present at the ATM.
  6. Don’t ask for help from anyone at the ATM, nor accept the help offer if someone asks, at the same time if someone asks you for help, simply ignore or advise to ask the staff.
  7. While using ATM machine, hide the keypad with one hand and type using the other hand.
  8. After taking cash out, stop nowhere unless you arrive home.
  9. Try to schedule your visit around 8 PM to avoid robberies, but if you face the situation stay calm and try to ask for help from people around.
  10. Try enabling SMS notifications and Stay aware of SMS them.

SASSA Status Check

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