SASSA Card Renewal | How to Renew SASSA Card

SASSA card renewal procedure is easy but mandatory for most of the people receiving SASSA grants through gold cards. In recent years a huge South African population has shifted to gold card payments because it’s one of the easiest and time-saving ways of getting money through SASSA.

Before SASSA launched the card facility for grant holders, people were most commonly receiving their payments using SAPO, proposed retailers, and other official cash pay points in the country.

There is no rocket science in renewing your SASSA card, it’s a simple process that may going to take some time and patience only.

Before you learn more about the SASSA card renewal process, note that this process can’t be performed online, it’s completely physical which you have to perform by going to the South African Post Bank Branch. Also, note that your card expiry doesn’t affect your SASSA status check or the SASSA online application which you might have submitted for any purpose.

SASSA Card Renewal Process

In your complete SASSA card renewal journey, only South African Post Bank will be responsible, no other organization is allowed or affiliated for card renewal, follow the given steps exactly in order to renew your card.

sassa card renewal process
renew your Sassa card
  • Visit any nearest SAPO branch with complete documents that can be used for verification.
  • Must take your expired SASSA card with you which will be used to confirm the expiration.
  • Get a token for your turn and explain to the desk that you want to renew your SASSA card.
  • The person at the desk will ask you for your documents for further verification, and hand over your documents to them.
  • The person at the desk will give an empty form called the SASSA card renewal form to be filled you, fill out the complete form, and hand it back to the desk.
  • After submitting the form, you will get a receipt, keep this receipt safe because now you are going to receive your new card on the basis of this receipt. 
  • After some time you will receive your new card PIN packed in a parcel which you can configure further by inserting it into the ATM machine and setting your PIN.
  • Activate the card and start receiving payments.


It is advised to fill out your card renewal form very carefully in order to save yourself from further problems, and put all the details carefully.

You can also change SASSA banking details further if needed accordingly, but if all going smoothly try to not edit or change anything in order to save your time.

Precautions While Renewing SASSA Card

Here are some important things you should keep in mind while proceeding to renew your card for a better experience.

  1. Must bring your old or expired card with you when you visit for renewing.
  2. At least 15 days or a month earlier visit for renewing will be more fruitful, as you’ll have a low chance of failure in receiving your grant amount through a card.
  3. Don’t ask any third party to renew your card, directly deal with SASSA only in the matter.
  4. There is no online SASSA card renewal service available yet, so if any third company promises to do such online, say NO to this.
  5. You can bring your other necessary documents related to your grant with you (optional but helpful).
  6. When you activate your new card, its recommended that you don’t choose the same PIN as of old.


Is it possible to renew SASSA card online?

No, due to certain security reasons, there isn’t any service yet introduced by SASSA to perform the card renewal process by using your cell phone or computer online, you have to do all this physically.

What do i need to renew my SASSA card

You just need your old expired card to bring with you at Postbank, your ID card, phone number, and receipt of your application (optional).

Can I change the PIN of my new SASSA card?

Yes, you can change any details accordingly you want after receiving and activating your new card.

Can I renew my SASSA card which is near to expire or validity?

Yes, you can renew your SASSA card if it’s near the expiry date, we encourage you to renew the card before the expiry in order to receive your payments timely. The process for this is the same.

Can I renew a broken card?

Yes, you can renew a broken SASSA card following the same process.

Can I choose the same PIN after renewal?

Yes, you can select the old PIN but it’s not recommended to make your card safe from h*ckers or vulnerabilities.

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  1. what documents do i need to renew sassa card?

    1. Siyabonga says:

      Hi, you only need to carry following thing if you want to renew your expired card.
      1. you ID card as registered with SASSA.
      2. your expired card.
      3. your address proof.
      4. Utility bill, this will also be used as verifying your proof of address.

  2. For how much time I can use my card even if its expired?

    1. Siyabonga says:

      you can use your card for around a month or 30 days after expiration, but It is highly recommended to renew your card as soon as possible or you can face further problems related to receiving your grant.

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