SASSA Card Lost | How to Block SASSA Card

If you are a SASSA grant holder, then it’s very obvious to lose your SASSA card. But the good news is if there is a problem there’s a solution. We are here to assist you in this situation.

If you have lost your SASSA card, first be calm and tackle this situation by reading our step-wise guide on how to deal with an SASSA card loss situation. Be sure that no one will find the card you lose, you have to apply for a new replacement. Keep in mind that your SASSA status check will not be disturbed due to your lost card.

SASSA Card Lost Necessary Steps to Take

Before you go for steps for replacement of your lost SASSA card, immediately report this situation first to Post Bank or you can also contact with SASSA office directly. After reposting the incident, follow the given steps in order to achieve your new SASSA card.

steps to take after sassa card lost
follow steps after card lost
  • First, take a form named as SASSA Fraud Affidavit from the nearest SASSA proposed post office or official SASSA office. Writing an affidavit for lost card will always be a good practice.
  • Carefully fill out the Affidavit form without any mistake, remember creating any mistake in form filling can cause more problems to you.
  • Attach a front and back photocopy of your ID card with the affidavit form.
  • Also, explain the incident in the form in the section provided.
  • Now simply submit this form to the SASSA office or the SASSA Post Branch where you are dealing with all this. 

After following all these steps, your new SASSA card will arrive at your address within 7 working days. After receiving your new card, you can change the card details like changing banking details or any other, etc.


How to withdraw money without SASSA card?

You can withdraw your money with a lost card using digital wallets that SASSA accepts, OTP withdrawal, and by physically going to the bank.

Will I get a new card after complaining of a lost card?

Yes, you will be provided with a brand new SASSA card after you complete all the necessary steps after losing your card.

Can the person who finds my lost card can make transactions?

The person who finds your lost card cannot make any transaction unless he/she knows your PIN which is a secret.

How my payments will be safe on my lost card?

Suppose the person who finds your lost SASSA card inserts the card in the ATM and enters the wrong PIN thrice, SASSA’s automatic system will block the card automatically, so don’t worry about this.

Can I apply for card renewal after sling my card?

You can’t apply for card renewal until you have your previous or expired card with you.

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  1. Few months back i lost my card in my home, and I blocked its, because i thought i misplaced is somewhere outside, what should I do as later I found in in my home.

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