SASSA Grant Payment Dates for February 2024

The SASSA payment dates for February are relatively smooth compared to other SASSA payment dates in terms of payment disbursal and received because in this month almost all state-level issues get solved.

All SASSA beneficiaries are advised to timely check this page for the payment dates in order to minimize any delays in receiving their grant payments.

SASSA Pay Days for February 2024

You can visit your bank’s ATM for the collection of your SASSA payment in February on the official dates of SASSA. For more smoother withdrawal from the ATM, you can choose the next day of payment disbursal because on this day you’ll be likely facing less crowd at ATMs.

SASSA Old Age Grant2 February 2024
SASSA Disability Grant3 February 2024
SASSA Child Support Grant6 February 2024
sassa payments for February

>> Also know March dates.

february weekend payments will be processed on next working days

SASSA Payment Amounts

If you’re looking to apply for SASSA or a new SASSA beneficiary, please note that every grant of SASSA have a different grant amount. After approval of each grant, you won’t be receiving the same grant amount on the monthly payment dates.

Child Support GrantR480
Care Dependency GrantR1990
Foster Child GrantR1070
War Veterans GrantR2010
Old Age GrantR1990
Disability GrantR1990

An important thing to mention here is that SASSA keeps track of inflation in the country and reserves the right to change any SASSA grant amount if required. You’re advised to choose the very suitable and right grant for yourself.

Payment Withdrawal Precautions

  1. Before visiting an ATM, make sure your ATM card isn’t expired, with this, pre-plan or schedule your visit to the ATM point.
  2. If you want smoother transactions with no headache at the ATM points OR banks, avoid visiting during peak hours.
  3. Try to bring someone in close relative to you or your close friend as a companion to ATM point.
  4. Avoid taking help from anyone or strangers at the payment point, nor accept any helping offer from anyone else.
  5. If you get any problem with the ATM machine, immediately contact the bank who is offering that ATM service.
  6. Don’t allow any other person present at ATM point to enter the ATM room at the same time while you’re transacting.
  7. While entering your PIN at ATM, try to hide the machine keypad with your one plam and enter the PIN with your second palm, this will ensure the security of your monetary account.
  8. When the ATM machine delivers your currency notes, first eliminate your card from the machine, put it in your pocket, and then take your cash.
  9. To avoid armed robberies, try to schedule your visit at night late.
  10. Once you take out your payment, don’t stop anywhere else till you reach your home.

SASSA Status Check

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