SASSA Means Test

The SASSA means test is synonymous to eligibility test for a SASSA grant. The SASSA means test is a test that the South African Social Security Agency takes from applicants to check their eligibility for receiving SASSA grant.

A person who qualifies after this test will be eligible for SASSA application, he/she then can use SASSA online application service to be an applicant for SASSA grant. 

The ‘means’ in SASSA basically a term used for the means of income of a specific person, so before you in deep into it make sure of its purpose. A very basic criterion of this test is to check the means of income of the person to check whether he/she deserves any SASSA grant.

How SASSA Means Test Works

SASSA means test can be performed very easily when you know its main purpose which is to identify or investigate the income means of the applicant. Also, note that before this test you will not be able to perform SASSA status check. Following are the points according to which SASSA sees your test.

  • Social Grant Misuse: After this test, SASSA makes sure that if you are not a deserving person of any SASSA grant, then the grant should be granted to the deserving person only.

    Keeping this point in highlight, SASSA ensures your income, in case they find any healthy income for you, then the grant will be only granted to the very deserving South African, this also follows the humanitarian act.
  • Continuous Eligibility Test: The SASSA doesn’t only review your financial status or income means one time only, the team periodically keeps checking your financial means from the team to make sure of your eligibility.
  • Monthly Spy: even if you start receiving successfully your SASSA grants after approval, the SASSA team keeps on checking your income after one month to make everything 100% accurate on their end.
  • In case you receive any other income or made any asset in the period, you have to inform SASSA every detail about this through proper channels like with documentation, and still, they verify that you are eligible or not for the specific grant, suppose if they find you as not a deserving one, your ongoing grant may be canceled.
  • Income and Asset Assessment: SASSA assesses all your sources of income and your assets to check your eligibility for grants. If they find any type of income source or any of your assets within the country, they might not be giving you the approval for a grant.
    • Keep in mind that SASSA doesn’t only check your income source, but also checks the amount of money you are receiving from that specific income source. There are  many people in South Africa who are successful and get approved for grants with another income source, but their income source is weak due to which they get approval.
    • SASSA also checks your bank balance due to which your application status or current Sassa status might be influenced, it’s advised to maintain a low bank balance to get successful approval from SASSA.

Why SASSA Conducts Means Test

There are many reasons why SASSA conducts this test, but all the reasons are based on one common purpose which is to eliminate people who are not deserving of the SASSA grant. However, here are some common reasons why SASSA takes this test.

why sassa conducts means test
reasons why Sassa conducts means test
  • To only enroll those people who are below the poverty line and really deserve to have a SASSA grant.
  • SASSA wants to save the financial resources it collected for deserving people by eliminating non-deserving people from the case.
  • This test also ensures the fairness act by delivering its grants to only deservings.
  • The agency using this test also makes sure of the eligibility of persons who are applicants for the grants.
  • SASSA also follows the government policy by conducting this test of not giving money to non-deserving people which might cause long-term damage to the entire national economy of the country.


SASSA doesn’t only review such things for new applicants, but they also keep checking their current grant holders about their income sources or assets to eradicate nondeserving people. Please be aware of such things an maintain a healthy relationship with SASSA for continuous support from them.


What type of grants need SASSA means test?

All SASSA grants including Child Support, Foster Child, Old Age Grant, Care Dependency, Grant in-Aid, Disability Grant, and War Veterans all require a means test by SASSA for approval.

What do I have to do for this test?

You don’t have to do anything for this test, just apply for SASSA with complete requirements and you will be tested by their end without your involvement.

How can I successfully pass the means test?

To pass this test, read all the guidelines on how to apply for SASSA, follow them carefully, and try to not fool the SASSA’s system.

Do I need to physically available at SASSA for means test?

Not at all, its totally a work for SASSA verification team, you don’t have to go anywhere.

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