SASSA WhatsApp Number

SASSA WhatsApp number is another newly introduced facility for South African grant holders by the SASSA. Using their Whatsapp number, you’ll be able to check your grant status and get all the required information related to the grant.

SASSA’s official WhatsApp number is ‘0820468553’ You can save this number on your phone and use it for real-time assistance from SASSA. You will be assisted through this number through auto-generated messages, you can also talk to a real human if you need.

SASSA Whatsapp Number for Relief Grant

SASSA hasn’t proposed different numbers for different types of grants or queries, you can use the same number as ‘0820468553’ for any type of official assistance by SASSA.

Using their official number you can also perform SASSA online application process for the R350 grant just using your smartphone and real-time chatting with SASSA officials.

Apply for SASSA R350 Grant Using WhatsApp Number

You heard it right, you can apply for the SASSA grant using their WhatsApp number. Applying through this will save you from collecting different official documents that SASSA requires at the time of application. Follow the steps given below to apply through WhatsApp number.

  • First, save SASSA’s official number ‘0820468553’ with the name SASSA on your phone. Try to save on your sim card, in case you change your phone the number will be with you.
  • Type a greeting to SASSA and send it.
  • Then ask the operator to initiate the application process for you.
  • A small window will open on your screen with the title SRD R350 Application which will require documents from you.
  • Attach all required documents and details asked there and press the submit button and all done.
  • Keep in mind, within the timeframe SASSA processes your application, you won’t be able to perform SASSA status check online using your computer or phone.

Another biggest benefit of the application WhatsApp will also let you know each and every detail in real-time from the SASSA official team assisting you through WhatsApp. You will get one-to-one assistance from the SASSA team.

Suppose in case you skip chatting with the SASSA team in WhatsApp, and later you come for assistance, all the chat between you and SASSA will be saved there, this will be very helpful for the SASSA team to figure out your main issue if the team member changed at that time.


If your application is processed or approved, the process for checking the status will be the same as by entering your South African national ID number and registered phone number.


  1. When talking to a human operator, talk in a respectful and polite tone.
  2. Talk only when necessary, and try to explain your issue in simple wording using a minimal number of words.
  3. If the operator requires anything like a document, try to provide it instantly in the required format.
  4. Use only the WhatsApp number officially provided by SASSA.


Is this number ‘0820468553’ an official SASSA WA number?

Yes, it is the official SASSA number specifically selected for assistance through WhatsApp.

Can I make a call to their WhatsApp number?

No, you can’t call their WA number as this is only for assistance through textual messaging. It is highly discouraged to make calls to this number, you might get charged without getting any type of assistance.

Will I be assisted through the Artificial Intelligence system front his number?

You will be assisted using AI, but you can also talk to their official as per requirement. In most cases, you will not be required to talk to a professional.

Is SASSA calling and WhatsApp number the same?

No, be aware that their WhatsApp number is ‘0820468553’ and their calling number is ‘0800601011’ both are different.

For more information

Call: 0800601011

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